
If you are interested in volunteering please download and fill-out the forms below and return to info@ivcbainbridge.org. After you complete your application, we ask that you participate in our new Online Volunteer Training. Upon completion of the Training, we will have you come in for an in-person Volunteer Orientation so we can get to know you, and you can hear about volunteer opportunities available at IVC. At this point we will also make copies of your Driver’s License, Car Insurance and do a visual inspection of your car.


 Volunteer Application

Please download the printable version and return to us OR fill out and submit our online application.

COVID Waiver Form
We require all volunteers to be vaccinated.

IVC Volunteer Policies & Procedures
Please download the Policies and Procedures and sign and return with your Volunteer Application.

Confidentiality Form
Please download, sign and return with your other volunteer materials.

Driver’s Abstract Form
This is necessary for volunteers who will be driving care receivers.

Or send us a note to learn more!