Improving Home Safety for Care Receivers

During September’s Volunteer Gathering we turned the spotlight on Misty Eberspecher, Independent Living Program Manager for our community partner, Housing Resources Bainbridge.

Misty shared how home modification services can help some of our care receivers remain safely in their homes as they age in place (or as Misty put it, THRIVE in place).

IVC Volunteers are the eyes and ears of our organization, and your feedback is an integral part of getting care receivers the help they need. More than a quarter of WA residents over age 65 fall each year and according to the John Hopkins University, “on average, the hospitalization cost for a fall injury is $34,294 (in 2012).”

Let’s work together to practice prevention!

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Watch the video of Misty’s presentation for IVC Volunteers below to familiarize yourself with the type of modifications the program can implement.

  2. Pick up some brochures at the IVC main office and offer one to a care receiver you think could benefit from home safety modifications.

  3. Let us IVC know so we can follow with the care receiver and help make the connection if needed.

Here’s a list of specific services HRB’s Independent Living Program offers:

The program serves the following population:

  • Bainbridge Island Residents

  • Homeowners and Renters

  • Seniors age 62+

  • People with disabilities

  • People coming home to rehab

  • Low Income (80% or less of AMI = $57,650 gross for a single-person household, $65,850 for a 2-person

  • household) –can deducts medical costs-never hurts to contact me to discuss if unsure

The more we all know the better prepared we are to help address challenges facing seniors and individuals with disabilities in our community who need help to thrive in place.

If you are concerned about a care receiver and think they qualify for this program, call April, Katie, or Morgan at (206) 842-4441. You can also call Misty directly at (206) 842-1909, ext. 18. Let her know you’re an IVC volunteer.


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